Thesis Brand Design

As a brand designer for the internal Thesis brand team, I had the opportunity to work on a wide range of projects from social campaigns, to the website, to our own internal zine.

Below are some select projects I had the pleasure of contributing to.

Thesis x voting:

___ gets my vote

___gets my vote was a social campaign Thesis launched in an effort to get out the vote for the fall 2020 election. I spearheaded the design for this project and came up with the design direction, color palette, and typographic choices. I also designed the web takeover layout and created the illustrations used in the social posts.

Alongside the illustrative social posts for the get out the vote story, we also utilized user generated content and create an interactive experience. People could submit issues they’re passionate about that motivate them to cast their votes and we heroed those issues in a “___ gets my vote” post.

Thesis - Voting - Case Study 01.jpg

illustrated social blasts were created to encourage voters and remind people of the deadlines for their vote to be counted

Thesis - Voting - Case Study 02.jpg
Thesis - Voting - Case Study 03.jpg

a website takeover surfaced any and all necessary information to drive voting

a robust brand was built to sustain the campaign; with colors, typography, and hierarchy everything was cohesively packaged and neatly delivered

Thesis - Voting - Case Study 04.5.jpg
Thesis - Voting - Case Study 05.jpg
Thesis - Voting - Case Study 06.jpg

Working files and abandoned concepts

Directional Moodboard



Joe Carolino
Tyler Stenson
Koko Udomah

 excellence series

The excellence series was another social campaign Thesis launched. Designed around the idea that excellence and particularly the excellence present in the BIPOC community is not championed at all in the way it should be, so we wanted to provide an avenue and platform for those voices to be amplified. Our first and only entry into the series highlighted Tyrone Poole and his journey developing OneApp Rentals. The series was initially meant to be ongoing but was shelved because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Thesis - Excellence - Gallery 1.png
Thesis - Excellence - Gallery 2.png
Thesis - Excellence - Gallery 3.png

Creative Direction & Design Brief

Once again a robust brand system for the campaign was conceptualized and had begun to be executed for the ongoing social series. This included a logo, pattern library, photographic treatments, as well as initial motion graphics exploration.

Thesis - Excellence - Gallery 4.png

scrapped motion and design directions



Marco Wright
Eli Caudillo
Janie Faison
Joe Carolino
Tyler Stenson



